Spiritual Hypnosis

Rewire yourself for success.

Your body believes what your mind perceives. 

My style of doing hypnosis is very unique, and very effective.

I don’t know anyone who offers the blissfully restorative process the way I do. It goes deep to uncover and shift psychological blocks painlessly by tapping into your pleasure.

You are left feeling very peaceful, inspired, and zen…yet empowered, aligned, and motivated.

Spiritual Hypnosis is my signature service most requested by CEOs, executives, celebrities, overworking professionals, retirees going through life transitions, those in relationship distress, and those moving through trauma or health crisis at 5-star luxury wellness resort VeraVia

I’ve done over a thousand hypnosis sessions and I’m still amazed at how transformative and blissful this intervention is, which invites your soul wisdom.

What you can expect?

  • First session is 90 minutes with in-depth assessment of your issue. All first sessions are online, with recording.

  • Future sessions, if needed, are shorter at a lesser fee.

  • Mind-body-spirit assessment through multiple lenses and layers to find the underlying pattern of the problem/s, then rewire your subconscious mind (your psychology and your biology) to get into alignment with the desires for your life

  • Includes resources and recommendations specific to your needs for sustained transformation

Release unwanted behaviors and blocks - upgrade your operating system (the subconscious mind) through a blissfully transformative process.


  • The contributions and labor of women and people of color have not been properly acknowledged or adequately compensated in our society. In the interest of creating a new paradigm, and my own sustainability, I do not slide my fee.

    However, I have created offerings at every price level so that you can access my healing work. If your budget is limited at this time, and you aren’t yet able to invest in services of the highest caliber, check out my freebies tab or my newsletter for lots of in-depth content to change your life.

  • Most people think hypnosis is losing control, but it’s actually teaching you to gain control with mind-body science. With this, you can use your untapped superpower for efficient, deep transformation.

  • Results can be deep, but subtle. You will suddenly realize something you used to effort at happened automatically.

    Be prepared for your shift in seemingly subtle (because you didn’t have to effort) but powerful ways.

  • One hypnosis session can be as transformative as 12 talk therapy sessions. Often clients only need one hypnosis session, but may choose to go deeper with some issues by front loading 3 or more sessions close together, or building a library of personalized recorded audios of different themes to listen to when needed to reinforce the changes. Follow up sessions are shorter and charged at a lower fee.